An Innovation Model for Design

Supporting Jordan’s Economic Modernization Vision


In 2022, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan rolled out the Economic Modernization Vision. The vision is centered on the slogan of “A Better Future”, and is based on two strategic pillars:

  • Accelerated growth through unleashing Jordan’s full economic potential;

  • Improved quality of life, while sustainability is a cornerstone of this future vision.

This vision aims for significant economic growth and job creation, boosting per capita income, and leading regional advancements in living standards. It encompasses a comprehensive roadmap, implementation drivers, and governance, covering 35 sectors through 366 initiatives.

Focusing primarily on the technology sector, the vision identifies its crucial role in the national economy. Key to success are multiple enablers: fortifying public-private partnerships, nurturing skilled talents for modern needs, fostering innovation for value creation and resilience, and encouraging entrepreneurship for growth.

A design-led organizational model has been developed to actualize these goals and address systemic challenges like unemployment and climate change, emphasizing sustainability. This approach involves integrating diverse stakeholders, often with conflicting interests, to facilitate successful innovation-driven organizations or initiatives. This model enables effective planning, implementation, and management of complex, collaborative projects, leveraging design as a tool for innovation in open systems.

The Organizational Model

The Objective

The model focuses on bringing together multiple stakeholders with diverse practices, processes, and strategies that are institutionally and geographically dispersed. The outcomes enable planning, implementing, and managing complex collaborative projects using design as a key component of innovation.
*The Organizational Model (fig 1) will be rolled out through three phases with projects to achieve the objective.


Fig 1 : The Organizational Model



Phase One:
0-3 Years

Phase Outcome:

  • A comprehensive, organized effort to build design capacity nationwide.

Project 1: Establishing a National Design Council

A Design Council is a government-funded, autonomous organization of design, industry, and government leads who administer the national promotion and education of design. The goal is to utilize design as an economic driver by infusing it into: entrepreneurial ecosystems, education programs, and the private sector. Design is a proven boon to economic growth and innovation, but the returns on investment are only captured when design becomes a national priority. To align the public and private sector in their use of a design, a national governing body solely focused on the promotion and education of design is needed.


  • National Design Initiative.

  • National Strategy for Design Education.

  • National Design leadership.

  • Panel of Design Leads to catalyze communities of designers.

Council Roles:

  • Design Leader/s.

  • Leaders from the manufacturing industry.

  • Leaders from the private sector.

  • Venture Capital Leaders.

  • Leaders from the Ministries of: Commerce,
    Labor, Digital Economy & Entrepreneurship, & Education.

Phase One: 0-3 Years; Project 1: Establishing a National Design Council



Phase Two:
3-6 Years

Phase Outcomes:

  • Foundation of design capability and human resources to improve productivity in the private sector.

  • Successful marketing to lure MNCs.

  • Attracted public attention to design projects in Jordan worldwide.

Project 2: Master Classes

Encourage universities to open design master classes that teach design thinking, human-centered design, and system thinking to pool human resources applicable to the private sector.

To capitalize on the economic benefits of a design-led nation, Jordan will need to increase national fluency in design. Design Master Classes, usually offered in executive-level programs, are a profitable revenue stream for educational institutions and a platform for collaboration with the private sector.

Education Role:

  • Knowledge agent

  • Design Resource Center


  • Presence of design school.

  • Increase the number of design degrees.

Project 3: Design Media
(Marketing + Media Outlet)

The media works as a messenger of "Jordan as a design-led nation" on a mass scale, celebrating community victories while attracting international partnerships.

The design capability for branding as a tech and design nation can raise Jordan's presence worldwide. Collaborating with existing media and making media outlet to advocate Jordan's design strategy, the latest projects, and narrative is a powerful tool.

Media Role:

  • Storytelling

  • Branding

  • Networking


  • Purpose-driven media

  • Broad media outlet

Phase Two: 3-6 Years; Project 2: Master Classes, Project 3: Design Media (Marketing + Media Outlet)



Phase Three:
6-10 Years

Phase Outcomes:

  • Foundation of design capability and human resources to improve productivity in the private sector.

  • Successful marketing to lure MNC.

  • Attracted public attention to design projects in Jordan worldwide.

Project 4: A Design x Business Conference and Expo Strategy

Companies are realizing the power of adapting design thinking within their internal innovation and operation plans. By investing in design-focused innovation, businesses can create value and find new opportunities for innovation and growth. This supports them when they look for markets, partners, and ventures. Establishing a national-level expo and conference of this nature will help attract new markets and showcase different areas for growth for private and external businesses.

Project Goals:

  • Pioneer Design x Business x Tech led innovation and strategic networks in the MENA region.

  • Research and activation plan for a bi-annual 3-day conference and expo.

  • Identifying commerce leaders, design thought leaders, technology experts, and industry.

  • Identify design infused domains for tech advancement, social impact, and as an economic growth lever.

Project 5: Collaborative Career Pathways for Women in Tech

This proposed initiative has two primary aims: (1) Adapt tech curriculum to fit the needs and goals of Jordanian women seeking careers in tech and (2) to diversify the Jordanian workforce to close the gender gap in tech, promote economic growth, support innovation, and promote gender equality. Global tech companies are recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and have begun to prioritize diversity and inclusion in its hiring practices. For Jordan, this means creating a diversified workforce that entices global organizations.

Project Goals:

  • Career pathways for women: roadmap to make progress toward career goals in the technology sector.

  • Specialized curriculum and structure that accommodate the unique needs of Jordanian women.

  • Programs and training to propel women into leadership positions in global organizations.

  • Design methods and tools that encourage innovative thinking and problem-solving methods.

Phase Three: 6-10 Years; Project 4: A Design x Business Conference and Expo Strategy, Project 5: Collaborative Career Pathways for Women in Tech